An *.ica file will download once you select an option and will show in the bottom-left of your browser.Once the CAG Storefront appears, navigate to the “Desktop” tab at the top and choose a desktop.If prompted, select “Open Citrix Workspace Launcher,” then check the box “I agree with the Citrix license agreement,”.IMPORTANT: In most cases, if using Chrome or Edge, you will need to select the second certificate from the list when prompted.This is not 100% of the time, so if you get an error you may need to close your browser, reopen and then select the first certificate.If you have a PIV, select the first option, “Smartcard.” If you do not, choose the username and password option, enter your username and password, then skip to step 9.(Make sure to bookmark so you can get back to it easily for future connections to CAG.) Access the VA Citrix Access Gateway .
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If you’ve inserted your PIV, accept the prompt to add certs (you’ll need to enter your MacOS password to install these certs to your MacOS Keychain).Safari can work, but is problematic and should be avoided. These instructions will work for Chrome and Edge for Mac.This was recently updated and now supports MacOS 10.13-10.15.4. Download and install Citrix Workspace.To check the version of MacOS click the Apple icon on the top left of your screen, then choose “About This Mac”. If possible, make sure you are using the latest version of MacOS, 10.15 (Catalina).The following is a quick start guide to access CAG.